PAMI NewsLetter Jul 2024

  1. Results of the Vote on the CVPR 2024 Motions
  2. WACV 2025: Call for Papers
  3. 2024 Everingham Prize: Call for Nominations
  4. ECCV 2024: Call for Participation
  5. ACCV 2024: Call for Papers
  6. UAVM Workshop at ACM MM: Call for Papers
  7. T-PAMI Special Issue on Generative AI in 3D Vision
  8. Call for Organizers: Workshop on Sensing SUAS
  9. Information Needed: Awards Given Prior to 2000

  1. Results of the Vote on the CVPR 2024 Motions

Three motions were discussed at the June TC meeting and then voted on by attendees of CVPR 2024: two related to reviewing and one related to the venue selection for ICCV 2029. Motion 1 requiring the justification of closed-source comparisons requested by reviewers passed. Future program chair teams will be advised to incorporate the recommendation of this motion into their review process. Motion 2 on a potential move to text-only rebuttals did not pass. Motion 3, which gauged the community’s willingness to keep Dubai as the venue for ICCV 2029 did pass. After considering this result, the ICCV / CVPR Steering Committee is moving forward with Dubai as the venue and the associated organizing team that was introduced at ICCV 2023. The vote tallies can be found below.

Your TC Chair, Walter Scheirer

Motion 1: Justification of Closed-Source Comparisons (Passed)

Proposed by Andrea Tagliasacchi (Simon Fraser University, University of Toronto), Torsten Sattler (Czech Technical University in Prague), Marcus Brubaker (York University), Dmytro Mishkin (Czech Technical University in Prague), Kosta Derpanis (York University), Marc Pollefeys (ETH Zurich), Yasutaka Furukawa (Simon Fraser University), Konrad Shindler (ETH Zurich), Andreas Geiger (University of Tubingen), Kwang Moo Yi (University of British Columbia), David Lindell (University of Toronto), Or Litany (Technion), Eric Brachmann (Niantic), David Fleet (University of Toronto), Siyu Tang (ETH Zurich)

The PAMI TC recommends to the ICCV / CVPR Steering Committee: Effective with the CVPR 2025 conference, whenever a comparison of published research without publicly available code / data / pretrained models is requested (i.e., requiring re-implementation), it should be appropriately justified if used as a basis for a paper decision. This is unless this is a somewhat minor change to an already implemented method for which the code / data is available or re-implementing a method based on details provided by a publication is common practice in a sub-field. In any case, comparisons should only be requested if the publication and / or code has been available sufficiently ahead of the submission deadline.

Results for motion 1: Yes: 1149 No: 111

Motion 2: Text-Only Rebuttals (Did Not Pass)

Proposed by Ramin Zabih (Cornell University)

The PAMI TC recommends to the ICCV / CVPR Steering Committee: All future editions of CVPR and ICCV should limit the rebuttal to text only, following best practices from SIGGRAPH, in order to better prevent reviewers from requesting additional experiments in the rebuttal.

Results for motion 2: No: 768 Yes: 479

Motion 3: The Location of ICCV 2029 (Passed)

Proposed by Gerard Medioni (Chair of the ICCV/CVPR Steering Committee)

The ICCV / CVPR Steering Committee made a preliminary decision to hold ICCV 2029 in Dubai, with ICCV 2031 to be held in Europe. Following the discussion held during the PAMI TC meeting, please vote whether or not to recommend that the Steering Committee move forward with the Dubai venue for ICCV 2029.

Results for motion 3: Yes: 751 No: 497

  1. 2024 Everingham Prize: Call for Nominations

This annual award is given to a researcher, or a team of researchers, who have made a selfless contribution of significant benefit to other members of the computer vision community.

The award is given out by the IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) Technical Committee, and the selection is managed by the PAMI TC awards committee.

The winner will be announced at the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024.


The Everingham Prize has been created to commemorate Mark Everingham and to encourage others to follow in his footsteps by acting to further progress in the computer vision community as a whole. An appreciation of Mark Everingham’s contributions is at:

The Prize consists of a Gift to the Recipient of USD 3,000 which will be presented during the conference, along with a plaque. The winners will be listed on the PAMI TC web site and at

Further information about the Everingham Prize may be found at: and


A nomination for the award should include name(s) and contact detail(s) of the Candidate individual or team and nominator, a brief description of the contribution, and should address the following four selection criteria (quantitatively where possible):

  1. The impact of the contribution - in terms of the degree of benefit to the community and the number of community members benefitting,

  2. The time and effort that went into the contribution,

  3. The degree to which the Candidate sought to understand and address the needs of the community - particularly those members whose needs have previously been overlooked,

  4. The lasting nature of the contribution - the length of time over which the community has actively benefitted, or is expected to benefit looking ahead.

Note, previous nominations will also be considered for this year, so there is no need to renominate unless new information is available.


Nominations should be made by email to [email protected] by July 12th 2024.

  1. WACV 2025: Call for Papers

IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Feb. 28 – Mar. 4, Tucson, Arizona

IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) is the premier international computer vision event comprising the main conference and several co-located workshops and tutorials. With its high quality and low cost, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.

Important Dates:

Round 1 Paper submissions: July 15th (Monday) Supplementary material deadline: July 17 (Wednesday) Reviews and Decisions to authors: Aug 30 (Friday) Rebuttal and Revision submission: Sept 9th (Monday) Final Decisions released to authors: Oct 28 (Monday)

Round 2 Paper submissions: Sept 9th (Monday) Supplementary material deadline:Sept 11 (Wednesday) Reviews and Final Decisions to authors: Oct 28 (Monday)

More information:

ECCV 2024: Call for Participation

The 18th European Conference on Computer Vision ECCV 2024 Sun Sep 29th through Fri Oct 4th, 2024 Milan, Italy

The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) is a biennial premier research conference in Computer Vision and Machine Learning, managed by the European Computer Vision Association (ECVA). It is held on even years and gathers the scientific and industrial communities on these areas. The first ECCV was held in 1990 in Antibes, France, and subsequently organized all over Europe. Paper proceedings are published by Springer Science+Business Media.

Registration is now open:

  1. ACCV 2024: Call for Papers

17th Asian Conference on Computer Vision

8-12 Dec 2024 Hanoi, Vietnam

A premier forum for researchers, developers, and practitioners to present and discuss new problems, solutions, and technologies in computer vision, machine learning, and related areas in artificial intelligence.

Important Dates June 28, 2024: Tutorial proposal deadline July 2, 2024: Regular paper submission deadline September 20, 2024: Regular paper acceptance notification

More information:

  1. UAVM Workshop at ACM MM: Call for Papers

We are excited to announce that the preparations for the 2nd workshop on “UAVs in Multimedia: Capturing the World from a New Perspective” at ACM Multimedia 2024 have commenced, and we invite researchers, academics, and industry professionals from around the world to submit their innovative work to this premier forum. You are welcome to show your insights from a new perspective!

Workshop link:

Call for Papers:

The list of possible topics includes, but is not limited to:

  • Video-based UAV Navigation
  • UAV Swarm Coordination
  • UAV-based Object Detection and Tracking
  • UAV-based Sensing and Mapping
  • UAV-based Delivery and Transportation

Important Dates: Workshop Papers Submission: 5 July 2024 Workshop Papers Notification: 30 July 2024

Call for Challenge:

We also provide a multi-weather cross-view geo-localization dataset, called University160k-WX, and we welcome your participation in the competition.

Challenge Platform:

  1. T-PAMI Special Issue on Generative AI in 3D Vision

Submission Deadline: August 15, 2024 Website:

Guest Editors: Deqing Sun, Xiangyu Xu, Siyu Tang, Angela Dai, Jiajun Wu, Katerina Fragkiadaki, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Christian Theobalt, Ming-Hsuan Yang

We invite researchers and practitioners to submit their latest work in areas including but not limited to 3D generative models, innovations in 3D representations, 3D reconstruction, novel view synthesis, 3D human generation, applications in virtual reality, embodied AI, gaming, and more.

  1. Call for Organizers: Workshop on Sensing SUAS

A team putting together a CVPR 2025 workshop proposal on computer vision / machine learning problems related to sensing Small Uncrewed Aerial Systems (SUAS) in support of advanced air mobility missions is looking for additional organizers. Topics of interest for the workshop include ground-based sensors and airborne sensors observing SUAS (drones) and UAS (big drones) that move people and cargo in urban, rural, and suburban environments, a long term goal of AAM.

If you are interested, contact Chester Dolph [email protected]

  1. Information Needed: Awards Given Prior to 2000

It has come to the attention of the PAMI-TC officers that comprehensive records for awards given out at major computer vision meetings (CVPR, ICCV, ECCV) is not available. In an effort to document our field’s history, we are asking the community to help us fill the gap in our knowledge. If you have information about awards given prior to the year 2000, please contact TC Chair Walter Scheirer ([email protected]). A record of awards can be found here: (to be mirrored on the PAMI TC website soon).

Any other information of historical interest to the TC would be welcomed as we revamp our website.

This newsletter is also available at our website and on LinkedIn. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Technical Committee (PAMI-TC) LinkedIn group:

PAMI-TC web portal:

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