PAMI NewsLetter

  1. CVPR 2024: Call for TC Meeting Motions
  2. CVPR 2024: Call for Award Nominations
  3. CVPR 2024: Call for Participation
  4. 2024 Everingham Prize: Call for Nominations
  5. ACCV 2024: Call for Papers
  6. FG 2026: Call for Proposals
  7. Accessibility, Vision, and Autonomy Workshop: Call for Participation
  8. April IAPR Newsletter
  9. Information Needed: Awards Given Prior to 2000

  1. Call for Motions: CVPR 2024 PAMI-TC Meeting

This year’s PAMI-TC meeting is tentatively scheduled for 4-5pm on Thursday, June 20th. Please mark this on your calendars and plan to attend if you are interested in the operations and policies of the computer vision community. An attempt will be made simultaneously broadcast the meeting live on the virtual conference platform for remote attendees.

Please send any proposed motions for the meeting to the TC Chair Walter Scheirer ([email protected]) by May 20th. The entire set of motions to be voted on will be circulated to the PAMI-TC mailing list in advance of the meeting in the June newsletter. Voting will be conducted electronically at CVPR and will be open to all registered attendees.

  1. CVPR 2024: Call for Award Nominations

All nominations should be submitted by May 15, 2024 to [email protected].

2024 Longuet-Higgins Prize

The annual Longuet-Higgins prize is presented by the PAMI TC at each year’s CVPR for fundamental contributions in computer vision. The award recognizes CVPR papers from ten years ago (CVPR 2014 for this year’s award) with significant impact on computer vision research. The prize is named after theoretical chemist and cognitive scientist H. Christopher Longuet-Higgins. Winners are decided by a committee appointed by the TCPAMI Awards Committee.

As with last year, the Awards Committee is accepting nominations for papers to be considered for the prize. Please note that a paper does NOT need an external nomination to be considered for the award. The selection committee will still conduct its usual process, with nominated papers added to the pool under consideration. Nominations are particularly encouraged for papers where the original version first appeared at CVPR but a better-known and more commonly cited version was subsequently published in journal form, making the full impact of the CVPR paper less obvious.

Nominations should include the title of the paper with a brief explanation of any non-obvious impact.

2024 PAMI Young Researcher Award

This annual award recognizes a young researcher for their distinguished research contribution to computer vision. The award is given out by the PAMI TC, and the selection is managed by the TC’s awards committee. The winner will be announced annually at CVPR.


This award is made annually for a distinguished research contribution in computer vision by a young researcher within seven years of their PhD. For 2024, eligible candidates must have received their PhD no earlier than January 1, 2017. Research in all areas of computer vision will be considered. The award includes a 3,000 USD cash prize and a plaque, and the winners will be listed on the PAMI TC web site.


A nomination for the award should consist of:

  1. The full name and contact details of the nominator, who should hold a senior position within his or her organization. It is acceptable for this to be the same organization as the nominee.
  2. The full name and contact details of the nominee.
  3. A description provided by the nominator in up to 300 words, of the distinguished research contribution in computer vision of the nominee, and its importance, in a form accessible to a general computing science audience.
  4. A CV of up to 2 pages of the nominee (including 5 most important publications).
  5. A Publication list of all published articles of the nominee. (Please do not include “accepted” but not yet published articles as these will not be taken into account.)
  6. The name and email address of two referees who would be able to provide independent assessments of the nominee’s research contribution and who are based in different institutions than the nominator and the nominee. The nominator is responsible for contacting these referees directly, who should send their letters directly to [email protected].


Nominations should be in the form of a single electronic file in PDF format. The name of the nominator and the nominee must be in the title of the file.

2024 Thomas S. Huang Memorial Award

This annual award recognizes a researcher for their contributions to the computer vision community through their research, teaching/mentoring and service, exemplified by the late Prof. Thomas S. Huang. The award is given out by the PAMI TC, and the selection is managed by the TC awards committee. The awardee will be announced at CVPR.


The Thomas S. Huang Memorial Award was established at CVPR 2020 and will be awarded annually starting from CVPR 2021 to honor researchers who are recognized as examples in research, teaching/mentoring and service to the computer vision community. The award is given in memory of the late Prof. Thomas S. Huang, a pioneering scholar who left deep impressions in multiple fields including computer vision and image processing, and a role model who contributed to the growth and well-being of several generations of researchers in the community.

The award is made annually for a researcher at least 7 years after their PhD, preferably at mid-career (no more than 25 years later). For 2024, eligible candidates must have received their PhD no later than January 1, 2017. Researchers in all areas of computer vision will be considered. The award includes a 3,000 USD cash prize and a plaque. The winners will be listed on the PAMI TC web site.


A nomination for the award should consist of:

  1. The full name and contact details of the nominator, who should hold a senior position within his or her organization. It is acceptable for this to be the same organization as the nominee.
  2. The full name and contact details of the nominee.
  3. A description provided by the nominator in up to 600 words, of the research contributions in computer vision of the nominee, and its importance, in a form accessible to a general computing science audience. The nominator should also provide a description on how the nominated researcher exemplifies a role model in terms of teaching/mentoring and service.
  4. A CV of up to 5 pages of the nominee (including 5 most important publications, contributions to teaching/mentoring and important service to the computer vision community).
  5. The name and email address of at least two referees who would be able to provide independent assessments of the nominee’s research, teaching/mentoring and service contribution. It is desirable, but not required, for some of these referees to be able to comment directly on the nominee’s teaching/mentoring and service. The nominator is responsible for contacting these referees directly, who should send their letters directly to [email protected].


Nominations should be in the form of a single electronic file in PDF format. The name of the nominator and the nominee must be in the title of the file.

  1. CVPR 2024: Call for Participation

CVPR 2024 June 17th - 21st, 2024 Seattle, WA

Registration for CVPR 2024 is now open:

Hotels with conferencing pricing are available:

  1. 2024 Everingham Prize: Call for Nominations

This annual award is given to a researcher, or a team of researchers, who have made a selfless contribution of significant benefit to other members of the computer vision community.

The award is given out by the IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) Technical Committee, and the selection is managed by the PAMI TC awards committee.

The winner will be announced at the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024.


The Everingham Prize has been created to commemorate Mark Everingham and to encourage others to follow in his footsteps by acting to further progress in the computer vision community as a whole. An appreciation of Mark Everingham’s contributions is at:

The Prize consists of a Gift to the Recipient of USD 3,000 which will be presented during the conference, along with a plaque. The winners will be listed on the PAMI TC web site and at

Further information about the Everingham Prize may be found at: and


A nomination for the award should include name(s) and contact detail(s) of the Candidate individual or team and nominator, a brief description of the contribution, and should address the following four selection criteria (quantitatively where possible):

  1. The impact of the contribution - in terms of the degree of benefit to the community and the number of community members benefitting,

  2. The time and effort that went into the contribution,

  3. The degree to which the Candidate sought to understand and address the needs of the community - particularly those members whose needs have previously been overlooked,

  4. The lasting nature of the contribution - the length of time over which the community has actively benefitted, or is expected to benefit looking ahead.

Note, previous nominations will also be considered for this year, so there is no need to renominate unless new information is available.


Nominations should be made by email to [email protected] by July 12th 2024.

  1. ACCV 2024: Call for Papers

17th Asian Conference on Computer Vision

8-12 Dec 2024 Hanoi, Vietnam

A premier forum for researchers, developers, and practitioners to present and discuss new problems, solutions, and technologies in computer vision, machine learning, and related areas in artificial intelligence.

Important Dates April 26, 2024: Workshop proposal deadline June 28, 2024: Tutorial proposal deadline July 2, 2024: Regular paper submission deadline September 20, 2024: Regular paper acceptance notification

More information:

  1. FG 2026: Call for Proposals

The Steering Board of the IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) invites proposals to host the 2026 edition of the conference, preferably around May-June 2026. IEEE FG is co-sponsored by the IEEE Biometric Council and IEEE Computer Society.

IEEE FG is the premier international forum for research in image and video-based face, gesture, and body movement recognition. Its broad scope includes advances in fundamental computer vision, pattern recognition, computer graphics; machine learning techniques relevant to face, gesture and body motion; new algorithms and applications in behavioral science and affective computing.

FG 2026 will be the 20th in a series that began in 1995 in Zurich, Switzerland. In keeping with past rotations between the Americas, Europe, and Australia-Asia, preference for FG 2026 will be given to proposals from Australia-Asia. FG 2024 is being organized in Istanbul ( and FG 2025 is planned to be held in Florida, USA.

Important Dates:

  • Notification of intent by May 15, 2024.
  • Draft proposal for initial feedback by June, 15, 2024.
  • Full proposals by September 15, 2024.

In your proposal, please include the following information:

  • Organizers: tentative general chairs, program chairs, and other key roles, with specific names where possible, proposed names otherwise. Please identify the lead general and program chair, and describe past organization and FG-related experience for all organizers, as well as IEEE conference organization experience, if possible.

  • The proposed conference dates, location and venue: including the specific conference location and facilities, estimated costs of the venue, suggested hotel(s) and their cost(s), accessibility for travel and example travel costs, public transportation and access from nearest airports. If there is a local FG-related community, please mention. The proposed dates should not clash with major related conferences.

  • Conference plans: plans for the program (technical program, special sessions, invited speakers, reception and banquet, etc.), events beyond the main conference (workshops, tutorials, tours, etc.). What is planned to be similar or different from previous FG conferences? Will there be a possibility of virtual attendance?

  • Budget: a tentative proposed conference budget with projections for different numbers of participants (150, 200, 250). Expected registration fees, IEEE administrative expenses (16% of budget), and a 10% contingency fee for unexpected expenses.

All communications, including requests for information and proposal submission, should be sent to the FG Steering Board Chair (Albert Ali Salah, [email protected]).

  1. Accessibility, Vision, and Autonomy Workshop: Call for Participation

The Accessibility, Vision, and Autonomy (AVA) workshop at CVPR 2024 is hosting a computer vision challenge for perceiving people with mobility aids.

Please consider submitting, the deadline is June 10 to be considered for awards in the workshop:

  1. April IAPR Newsletter

Dear IAPR Community Members,

The April 2024 Issue of the IAPR Newsletter is now available:

This is a special issue devoted to the ICDAR conference celebrated last year in San Jose, California. It contains the meeting reports from ICDAR23, GREC23 and HIP23, as well as an interview with an early career researcher who received one ICDAR Best Poster Award: Simon Corbillé.

This issue also includes a Memorial tribute to the IAPR fellow Edwin R. Hancock.

  1. Information Needed: Awards Given Prior to 2000

It has come to the attention of the PAMI-TC officers that comprehensive records for awards given out at major computer vision meetings (CVPR, ICCV, ECCV) is not available. In an effort to document our field’s history, we are asking the community to help us fill the gap in our knowledge. If you have information about awards given prior to the year 2000, please contact TC Chair Walter Scheirer ([email protected]). A record of awards can be found here: (to be mirrored on the PAMI TC website soon).

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