The 14th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC 2024) will be held in Bali, Indonesia from August 19 to August 24,2024.

The goal of the conference is to bring together leading scientists, researchers, and engineers from the world to discuss novel theories, technologies and applications in the fields of signal processing, communications and computing. The conference will feature prominent plenary speakers as well as technical sessions.

Bali is the most popular island holiday destination in the Indonesian archipelago. It’s home to an ancient culture that’s known for its warm hospitality as well as exotic temples and palaces set against stunning natural backdrops. After sunset, famous nightspots come to life offering exciting clubbing and packed dance floors. In Bali, your holiday can be filled with culture, nature, art, and the spiritual.

Topics for the conference include, but not limited to

· Audio and speech processing

· Machine Learning for communications

· Underwater communications and networks

· Signal processing for communications

· Sensor array and multi-channel SP

· Wireless communications and networks

· Image and multimedia SP

· Optical communications and networks

· Radar and sonar SP

· Internet of things

· Detection, estimation and classification

· Microwave, antennas and propagation

· Space time processing and MIMO systems

· Cognitive radio and sensor networks

· Modulation and detection

· Circuits and systems for signal processing

· Channel estimation and equalization

· Embedded system design

Paper Submission

Submitted papers must not have been published previously and they must not be currently under consideration for publication at any other venues. All submissions will be handled electronically. The full papers should adhere to the standard 8.5”X 11”IEEE format and must not exceed 6 pages and accepted papers will be submitted to the IEEE for inclusion in the Xplore Digital Library.

Important Dates

Regular and Special Session Submission Deadline: April 18, 2024

Notification of Acceptance: May 19, 2024

Final Paper Submission Date: June 19, 2024

Author’s Registration Deadline: July 19, 2024

Conference Secretary

Lingling Zhang, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.

Si Zhao, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.

Contact email: [email protected]

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