

CIP核准号 2016146115
ISBN 978-7-5677-6761-4
正书名 基于视觉的无标记手势识别
出版单位 吉林大学出版社
出版地 长春
作者 张生军, 著 出版时间 2016.6
分册名 分册号
定价(元) 32 正文语种
中图法分类 TP302.7 主题词 计算机视觉-研究
内容摘要 基于视觉的无标记手势识别是计算机交互领域内重要的研究课题,其主要是通过对摄像头捕获到的手势进行分析,然后结合各种算法实现无标记手势动作的自动识别。相对于其它人机交互方式,手势识别技术具有自然、方便、经济和良好的用户体验感等特点,同时也有很好的市场应用价值和科研价值。近年来,手势识别技术在计算机交互技术中受到越来越多的重视,但是如何实现一个通用、基于普通摄像头、对外界环境变化鲁棒性强、无标记以及实时的手势识别系统还没有很好的解决方案。针对该问题,本书分别从手部检测、手部跟踪和手势识别三个方面对无标记手势识别中相关算法进行了研究,在研究过程中还考虑了手势识别系统的整体性和实用性问题。
基于视觉的无标记手势识别 / 张生军著. 
-- 长春 : 吉林大学出版社, 2016.6 
ISBN 978-7-5677-6761-4 
Ⅰ. ①基… Ⅱ. ①张… Ⅲ. ①计算机视觉-研究Ⅳ. ①TP302.7 
HandGesture Recognition.

What is this book about?

The unmarked gesture recognition based on vision is an important research topic in the field of computer interaction. It mainly involves the analysis of gestures captured by cameras, and then combines various algorithms to achieve automatic recognition of unmarked gesture actions. Compared to other human-computer interaction methods, gesture recognition technology features naturalness, convenience, economy, and a good user experience. It also holds significant market application value and research value. In recent years, gesture recognition technology has been receiving increasing attention in computer interaction technology. However, there is still no satisfactory solution to achieve a universal, robust to environmental changes, unmarked, and real-time gesture recognition system based on ordinary cameras. Addressing this issue, this book conducts research on relevant algorithms for unmarked gesture recognition from three aspects: hand detection, hand tracking, and gesture recognition. In the research process, the overall and practical issues of gesture recognition systems are also taken into consideration. (张生军, 2016).



  1. JUP
    Jun 2016