an archive of posts from this year

Aug 17, 2024 Woodham’s Photometric Method
Aug 17, 2024 Voxel Grid Representation
Aug 17, 2024 Virtual Reality and Game Development
Aug 17, 2024 Virtual Museum Exhibits
Aug 17, 2024 Time-of-Flight (TOF) Technology
Aug 17, 2024 TOF Sensors for 3D Imaging
Aug 17, 2024 Surgical Planning and Simulation
Aug 17, 2024 Surface Texture Analysis
Aug 17, 2024 Surface Normal Recovery
Aug 17, 2024 Structured Light and TOF Sensors
Aug 17, 2024 Stereo Vision
Aug 17, 2024 Stereo Matching
Aug 17, 2024 Shape from Texture (SFT)
Aug 17, 2024 Shape from Shading (SFS)
Aug 17, 2024 Scharstein and Szeliski in Stereo Vision
Aug 17, 2024 Scharstein-Szeliski Disparity Benchmark
Aug 17, 2024 Robust Multi-View Stereopsis
Aug 17, 2024 Reflectance Models
Aug 17, 2024 Realistic 3D Scene Generation
Aug 17, 2024 Real-Time Object Recognition
Aug 17, 2024 Photometric Stereo
Aug 17, 2024 Patch-based MVS
Aug 17, 2024 Object Detection and Avoidance
Aug 17, 2024 NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields)
Aug 17, 2024 Multi-View Stereo (MVS)
Aug 17, 2024 Medical Imaging
Aug 17, 2024 Marr-Poggio Stereo Matching
Aug 17, 2024 Light Intensity Estimation
Aug 17, 2024 Kinect and Structured Light Technology
Aug 17, 2024 Key Researchers and Contributions
Aug 17, 2024 Introduction of Neural Networks
Aug 17, 2024 Interactive 3D Environments
Aug 17, 2024 Infrared Light Pattern Projection
Aug 17, 2024 Increasing Computational Efficiency
Aug 17, 2024 Implicit Scene Representation
Aug 17, 2024 Horn's Contributions to SFS
Aug 17, 2024 Horn's SFS Framework
Aug 17, 2024 Historical Development and Main Contributors
Aug 17, 2024 High-Speed 3D Scanning
Aug 17, 2024 High-Quality 3D Rendering
Aug 17, 2024 Handling Occlusions and Shadows
Aug 17, 2024 Furukawa-Ponce Patch-based MVS
Aug 17, 2024 Feature Matching Algorithms
Aug 17, 2024 Evolution of 3D Surface Modeling
Aug 17, 2024 Environment Mapping
Aug 17, 2024 Early Geometric Methods
Aug 17, 2024 Disparity Map Generation
Aug 17, 2024 Depth Calculation via Point Cloud
Aug 17, 2024 Dense Stereo Correspondence
Aug 17, 2024 Deformable Models for SFT
Aug 17, 2024 Deep Learning and 3D Modeling
Aug 17, 2024 Cultural Heritage Preservation
Aug 17, 2024 Challenges and Future Directions
Aug 17, 2024 Autonomous Driving
Aug 17, 2024 Applications of 3D Surface Modeling
Aug 17, 2024 3D Reconstruction of Organs
Aug 17, 2024 3D Reconstruction from a Single Image
Aug 17, 2024 3D Digitization of Artifacts
Aug 17, 2024 3D Convolutional Neural Networks (3D CNNs)
Aug 15, 2024 RealSense Specifications
Aug 15, 2024 Active Stereo Vision
Aug 15, 2024 A Review of 3D Surface Modeling Techniques Based on Images
Jun 07, 2024 Wind and Turbulence Detection
Jun 07, 2024 Vortex Detection in Storm Systems
Jun 07, 2024 Virtual Aperture Techniques
Jun 07, 2024 Vegetation and Forest Monitoring
Jun 07, 2024 Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Radar Technology
Jun 07, 2024 Transmitter Design
Jun 07, 2024 Tracking Algorithms
Jun 07, 2024 Thermal Management and Cooling Solutions
Jun 07, 2024 System Calibration Techniques
Jun 07, 2024 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
Jun 07, 2024 Soil Moisture Measurement
Jun 07, 2024 Sensor Fusion with Lidar and Cameras
Jun 07, 2024 Security and Surveillance
Jun 07, 2024 Sea Clutter Suppression
Jun 07, 2024 SAR Image Formation
Jun 07, 2024 Remote Sensing Applications
Jun 07, 2024 Receiver Design
Jun 07, 2024 Range and Velocity Measurement in ACC
Jun 07, 2024 Range and Velocity Estimation
Jun 07, 2024 Rainfall Estimation Techniques
Jun 07, 2024 Radar Tomography
Jun 07, 2024 Radar Target Classification
Jun 07, 2024 Radar Cross-Section (RCS) at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies
Jun 07, 2024 Quantum Radar Concepts
Jun 07, 2024 Pulse-Doppler Radar
Jun 07, 2024 Pulse Compression Techniques
Jun 07, 2024 Proximity Sensing and Safety Systems
Jun 07, 2024 Propagation Characteristics of Millimeter Waves
Jun 07, 2024 Principles of Quantum Radar
Jun 07, 2024 Precipitation Measurement
Jun 07, 2024 Power Management in MMW Radar Systems
Jun 07, 2024 Power Amplifiers for MMW Radar
Jun 07, 2024 Phased Array Antennas
Jun 07, 2024 Perimeter Surveillance Systems
Jun 07, 2024 Pedestrian Detection and Protection
Jun 07, 2024 Particle Filters in Nonlinear Tracking
Jun 07, 2024 Obstacle Detection and Mapping
Jun 07, 2024 Object Detection in Industrial Environments
Jun 07, 2024 Neural Networks in Radar Signal Processing
Jun 07, 2024 Mixer Circuits for MMW Radar
Jun 07, 2024 Millimeter-Wave Radar in Automotive Applications
Jun 07, 2024 Millimeter-Wave Radar in 5G Communications
Jun 07, 2024 Millimeter-Wave Radar System Integration
Jun 07, 2024 Millimeter-Wave Imaging Radar
Jun 07, 2024 Millimeter-Wave Frequency Bands
Jun 07, 2024 Microstrip Antennas
Jun 07, 2024 Machine Learning for Target Classification
Jun 07, 2024 MIMO Radar
Jun 07, 2024 MIMO Array Configurations
Jun 07, 2024 Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs)
Jun 07, 2024 Lane Departure Warning Systems
Jun 07, 2024 Kalman Filters for Target Tracking
Jun 07, 2024 Intruder Detection and Classification
Jun 07, 2024 Introduction to Millimeter-Wave Radar
Jun 07, 2024 Interference Mitigation Techniques
Jun 07, 2024 Industrial Automation and Robotics
Jun 07, 2024 Hybrid Radar-Lidar Systems
Jun 07, 2024 High-Resolution Imaging Techniques
Jun 07, 2024 Hardware-Software Co-Design
Jun 07, 2024 Ground Clutter Modeling
Jun 07, 2024 Frequency Synthesizers
Jun 07, 2024 Frequency Multipliers
Jun 07, 2024 FMCW Radar
Jun 07, 2024 Environmental and Atmospheric Monitoring
Jun 07, 2024 Downconverters
Jun 07, 2024 Doppler Shift Analysis
Jun 07, 2024 Doppler Radar for Wind Shear Detection
Jun 07, 2024 Doppler Beam Sharpening
Jun 07, 2024 Digital Beamforming Techniques
Jun 07, 2024 Dielectric Resonator Antennas
Jun 07, 2024 Deep Learning for Radar Signal Interpretation
Jun 07, 2024 Collision Avoidance Algorithms
Jun 07, 2024 Clutter Suppression Techniques
Jun 07, 2024 Cloud Profiling Radar
Jun 07, 2024 Chirp Signal Generation
Jun 07, 2024 Calibration of Signal Processing Algorithms
Jun 07, 2024 Calibration of Radar Antennas
Jun 07, 2024 Blind Spot Detection Systems
Jun 07, 2024 Beat Frequency Calculation
Jun 07, 2024 Beamforming for 5G MMW Communications
Jun 07, 2024 Beamforming and Direction Finding
Jun 07, 2024 Autonomous Driving
Jun 07, 2024 Antenna Design for Millimeter-Wave Radar
Jun 07, 2024 Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
Jun 07, 2024 Adaptive Beamforming Algorithms
Jun 07, 2024 AI and Machine Learning in Radar Systems
Jun 07, 2024 AI-Based Target Recognition
Jun 07, 2024 3D Sensing and Environment Mapping
Jun 07, 2024 3D Point Cloud Generation
Apr 20, 2024 A Comprehensive Review of Personnel Search and Rescue Systems and Methods Based on Millimeter-Wave Radar and Thermal Imaging Fusion
Apr 14, 2024 Comparative analysis of millimeter-wave radar and infrared for disaster relief applications
Apr 12, 2024 Recent Advances in Millimeter-wave Radar Research
Jan 26, 2024 PAMI2024